Chinese Diaspora in GTA
Author Jonathan Fon
Date October 25, 2023
The Chinese diaspora in GTA can be categorized into three groups according to where they came from, as like anywhere nationwide. Hong Kongers are from a former British colony. Taiwanese are from a pacific island governed under ROC, Republic of China, which has been withdrawn from mainland China, defeated in a civil war between Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party after WWII. Then, Mainlanders are from PRC, People’s Republic of China. All of them are called Chinese. They have the same system of written language though dialects are far away from each other. They culturally share similar values. However, there is drastical difference and division among the three ideologically.
The Hong Kongers have a history of living in the British colonial style. They are used to living within the western culture. The Taiwanese are habitually live in a Chinese traditional style. They do not get used to living in the contemporary situation The Mainlanders are just brainwashed through education from primary and secondary schooling, and on the university campus. As a fact of matter, their mind set is composed of the mixture of feudalistic morales and communist theory. They are not ready to be merged into the new environment.
The majority of Hong Kongers prefers Liberals. The Taiwanese prefer Conservative values. However, they need a push to go forward. They are quiet and shy. The noise-making Mainlanders are for Conservatives on the mouth, but their turnout is relatively low. However, the Mainlanders are worthy of working together with in the CPC outreach though their education in PRC is to be brought to a mindful attention.
Since he took the CPC leadership last September, Mr. Poilievre paid an official visit to Chinese community in GTA in January 2023. Then, in March, there was a relatively exclusive event. Some time before, Mr. Poilievre did once more.
910 Club is an exclusive club of CPC members and supporters. Its name is after the date of September 10, 2023 when Mr. Poilivre won the CPC leadership. CPACA is a social platform called the Canadian Platform of Advocacy for Community Awareness. 910 Club and CPACA actively playing a role in Chinese ethnic community are accessible assets to mobilize Chinese ethnic groups. They just wait for the call to act. CPACA is a Zoom platform to present the program of Everyone Talks on Thursday evenings. The CPC can use CPACA as an organ to spread CPC messages among the Chinese diasporas.